Nuss Construction Company Celebrates 50 Years of Success

Since 1967, Nuss Construction Company has been a trusted name in quality kitchen remodeling and other home remodeling services in Southern New Jersey. This year, as we celebrate our 50th year in the industry, we would like to thank all of the homeowners who have worked with us through the years.  There are very few NJ remodeling companies who have reached this significant milestone. Here’s how we were able to do it.

Our Mission 

Every one of our team members performs their job with our mission statement in mind: “to live, to love, and to leave a legacy.” We believe that true success in life comes from providing quality work to our customers. We invest in continuous learning and skill growth. We also make sure to give back to the community. We also love what we do, and we love working hard to spread joy to homeowners. For Nuss Construction, our legacy begins and ends with our service to you, our communities, and our families.

Our Attention to Detail

As one of the top local kitchen remodelers, we go beyond what other contractors provide. We believe that your family deserves the best service. We use temporary floor protection to protect your flooring from water, paint, mud, and more. We will also provide dust walls or panels to isolate our work area from the rest of your home and prevent dust from escaping. We use dust air scrubbers as well to capture and eliminate remodeling dust. We leave your home cleaner in pristine condition.

Our Top-to-Bottom Service

We provide a wide range of services so you don’t have to work with various contractors every time you want to start a project. We build relationships by providing quality service from start to finish. We can help you with your roofing, siding, window, door, home addition, and custom home building needs. We also work with some of the country’s leading manufacturers of building products. We’ll provide you with warranties that will protect your home for years.

Our highly skilled and deeply experienced team always uses the best-quality materials available for our customers. You deserve nothing but the best kitchen cabinets, siding, roofing, or windows for your project. We have worked on thousands of homes through the decades. We will use our vast knowledge and experience to make your remodeling project vision become a reality.  We look forward to serving Southern New Jersey for the next 50 years.  Call us at (856) 988-9982 to learn more about our services and to schedule a free consultation.