Pros and Cons of Adding a Second Story to Your Home

Expanding your living space or adding a second story for your home improvement project requires weighing its pros and cons. It is a significant decision that can have an impact on various aspects of your home. In this post, we explore the factors you should consider before adding a second story to your home. 

Pros of Adding a Second Story

Here are the key benefits of adding a second story to your home.

Cons of Adding a Second Story

Here are the drawbacks of adding a second story to your property.

Work Only With Reliable Contractors

Adding a second story to your home offers numerous advantages and disadvantages. You can make an informed decision by considering all aspects of the project and not just the benefits alone. If you’re ready to explore the possibility of a second story, call Nuss Construction Company at (856) 988-9982 or visit our contact page today. We serve clients in Cherryhill and Moorestown, NJ.