Debunking Myths About Roof Maintenance

We can’t place enough emphasis on the importance of roof maintenance. Even today, there are some myths about it that should be debunked.

MYTH: Modern Roofs Require No Maintenance

Manufacturing technologies have yet to come up with a roofing system that can stay unchanged after years of exposure to weather cycles. Modern roofing materials (and other exterior components, for that matter) can be low maintenance, but that doesn’t mean you just forget about your roof after it’s installed. You still have to inspect it for damage and have it professionally maintained. Some roofing systems require less maintenance than others, and for many homeowners, the convenience of less frequent maintenance is an important factor.

MYTH: Roofing Warranty Covers All Roofing Problems

Minor differences aside, roofing warranties typically cover problems caused by material defects. Installation errors are covered by workmanship warranties. Normal wear and tear as well as problems caused by neglect are not.

MYTH: Roofing Maintenance Is Optional

In support of the previous myth, most warranties explicitly state that neglecting roofing inspection can void the roofing warranty. Simply put, roofing maintenance is not optional. While scheduled roofing maintenance is done at cost, it will only be a fraction of what it would cost to repair a neglected roof. Also, roof maintenance is conducted every three to five years, enough time to save for it if the maintenance budget is tight.

MYTH: You Don’t Have to Perform Roofing Inspections

Roofing professionals recommend conducting a roof inspection once or twice a year, plus another after every storm, and calling for repairs if you find signs of damage or other problems. Don’t wait until your next scheduled maintenance to have a roofing problem repaired. It will only get worse with continued exposure to the elements.

To learn more about roofing maintenance or if you’re looking for new kitchen cabinets, call Nuss Construction Company today at (856) 988-9982. You can also fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation. We serve many areas in and near Cherry Hill and Mt. Laurel, NJ.