Bathroom Upgrade: 5 Aging-in-Place Modifications to Try

As homeowners get closer to their retirement years, aging-in-place modifications are bound to become a priority for home improvement in Cherry Hill, NJ. According to recent studies, as much as 70% of elderly homeowners have made modifications to their homes for safety reasons. That said, it’s important to determine the best places to put your remodeling dollars for the best results.

One area you should prioritize is the bathroom. If you’re thinking about incorporating aging-in-place modifications into your bathroom design, here are some tips to consider from Nuss Construction Company:

1. Improve Access to the Bathroom – The doorway to the bathroom should be wide enough to accommodate family members with canes, walkers, and wheelchairs. While this might be challenging especially for bathrooms with limited floor space, choosing the widest door possible is always your best choice. You can also use a lever instead of a doorknob for easier opening.

2. Get the Right Lighting – A well-lit space is the key to enhancing safety around the home. For your next bathroom remodeling in Cherry Hill, NJ, be sure to prioritize lighting over the sink, toilet, and shower areas.

3. Use Shower Innovations – You can take advantage of many innovations that can improve both the aesthetics and functionality of your shower area. Curbless showers and handheld showerheads with integrated grab bars are some of your ideal options. You can also install a mounted fold down seat for better performance.

4. Install Grab Bars – Most grab bars today aren’t just used to support mobility. They can even function as shelves and toilet paper holders. You can install them at the entrance and inside of your shower or tub area, as well as near your toilet.

5. Configure the Tub Accordingly – Modern tub options, such as walk-in tubs, offer superior assistance to individuals with or without mobility issues. Innovations such as this help family members maintain their balance when taking a bath and make it easier for them to climb in and out of tubs.

We use bathrooms everyday, so it pays to make them safe for everyone, most especially for senior members of the family. To turn these aging-in-place ideas into reality, consult Nuss Construction Company today. For more than 50 years, we’ve been providing efficient solutions for bathrooms, kitchens, and roofing in Moorestown, NJ.

Call us at (856) 988-9982 or fill out our form to get started. Our design specialists will be ready to assist you with your needs.