The Nuss Difference: How We Help Create Better Homes

Home improvement projects can disrupt your home’s daily activities. At Nuss Construction Company we are dedicated to providing quality service in a timely manner to ensure that you can continue with your routine as quickly as possible. We have been providing excellent services for home improvement in Medford, NJ, for over 50 years. Here are a few reasons homeowners have entrusted their remodeling projects to us:

Floor and Door Jamb Protection

Before starting our project, we’ll make sure to use a temporary floor protection to keep off water, paint, and mud. This covers different types of flooring, including concrete, tile, wood, stone, and linoleum. Our durable and flexible doorjamb protection easily snaps into place with no need for adhesives.

Dust Walls

Projects involving heavy construction, such as repairs and replacements, can produce quite an amount of dust in your home. To prevent unnecessary debris buildup, we’ll put dust walls or panels in place. These are easily put together, building a dust barrier for any part of your home. It features a built-in zippered access, with panels allowing us to place doors where we need to. During projects, such as installing replacement windows in Medford, NJ, dust walls are a more economical and greener alternative compared with plastic sheeting.

Dust Air Scrubber

To ensure that we leave your home’s completely dust free, we trust only BuildClean. Unlike traditional dust barriers, this excellent dust control system can eliminate up to 90% of airborne dust. This helps us provide a healthy and clean environment for your home, while keeping the cleaning costs low.

Nuss Construction Company offers a range of home improvement services, from remodeling to roofing in Medford, NJ. Our expert team ensures that every project is finished smoothly and with satisfactory results. Call us today at (856) 452–0551 so we can discuss your next project. You can also request an estimate by filling out our contact form.