Select the Ideal Material for your Roof

Whether or not your roofing system reaches its full service life will depend largely on the type of material you use. Choosing the right material for your roof will allow your roof to remain strong and durable for many years to come.

Nuss Construction Company discusses four roofing types and the materials that will work best for each.

#1. Gable

Gable roofs are also known as pitched or peaked roofs. Gable roofs are triangular in shape, and because of their simple design, these are cheaper and easier to build.

Roofing contractors in Moorestown, NJ say gabled roofs can be covered with almost any type of material. This includes metal, asphalt shingles, cedar shakes, Terra Cotta, and clay or concrete tiles. If the roof has hips and valleys, however, it should be shingled, or roofed with metal shingles or standing seam.

#2. Hip

This type has slopes of equal length on all four sides that gather at the top to form a ridge. The inward slope of all its sides makes hip roofs sturdier and more durable than gable roofs. Hip roofs complement almost any type of roofing material, such as metal, shingles, or tiles.

#3. Sawtooth

Sawtooth roofing consists of two or more parallel pitched roofs where the vertical and sloped surfaces alternate. The roof resembles the side view of a saw blade. In the past, this roof was used for industrial buildings only. Today, however, these can also be seen on contemporary homes. Depending on the style of the home, we can make the roof from steel, wood, or reinforced concrete.

#4. Dome

A dome roof has the shape of an inverted bowl. These make a unique and visually pleasing feature to any home, and are perfect for gazebos, cupolas, or crow’s nests. A roofer in Cherry Hill, NJ may offer an option to construct a dome roof using shingles, metal and even glass. However, metal is suggested for a dome roof that will require less maintenance.

Nuss Construction Company knows the materials that will work best for any type of roofing. We will be happy to assist you in helping you select the kind that will allow your system to live its full lifespan. Call us at (856) 988-9982 today for a free consultation!