Roof Maintenance Statements to Forget

Adequate roof upkeep is essential to ensure your system stays functional and durable over time. In line with this, homeowners must be guided by facts. Here are some of the roof maintenance myths you should stop believing.

  • “Having a roof warranty means you don’t have to maintain your roof.”  Whether or not you have a roof warranty, do you still need to worry about roof maintenance? Yes. Remember that standard warranties usually only cover manufacturer defects or installation errors. They do not fund repairs following wear and tear or any damage resulting from any negligence on the homeowner’s part. Failure to maintain your roof may even void your warranty. 

  • “Maintenance begins once you have identified a problem.” Most homeowners think that a brand-new roof does not require regular maintenance. However, it can be noted that even the most premium products need to be regularly inspected and sustained at a certain level, especially when you live in a severe climate.

  • “The cheaper it is, the better.” An extremely affordable price may blind people, but keep in mind that if it’s too good to be true, think again. Moreover, skilled and experienced roofing contractors will precisely know what the job requires and quote accordingly without cutting corners. So, getting a quote or estimate at least below the usual is considered suspicious.

  • “You can repair a roof on your own.” Unless you are a trained roofer, you need the assistance of a certified roofing team to repair your damaged roof properly. A qualified contractor has the expertise and technical skills to perform the repair smoothly and timely. The pros also have access to the appropriate tools and equipment required to carry out the task safely. Accordingly, DIYs are not advised.

For over five decades, Nuss Construction Company has been a leading local choice home improvement in the area. Give us a call today at (856) 485-9455, or fill out our contact form to request an appointment.