Kitchen Remodeling Basics: Part 1 – Advantages of Kitchen Remodeling

While remodeling a kitchen is indeed important, not many people know how exactly they can benefit from it. Because a remodel largely changes a kitchen’s appearance, it’s not unusual for homeowners to think that its benefits are simply cosmetic. However, remodeling brings much more than simply making a kitchen look like new. The advantages of kitchen remodeling include:

Improved Value

Kitchen remodeling can increase the value of your home, regardless of how extensive the project is. This can give you a sense of achievement as you’ll be having something that’s worth more than it was before, even when you’re not planning on selling your home.

Bigger Energy Savings

A big part of kitchen remodeling is replacing old components with more energy-efficient ones. These include better fridges, lighting systems, and other appliances. These improvements may cost a lot upfront but as they are more energy-efficient, they’ll be helping you more wisely use energy in your home, allowing you to cut back on your energy bill down the line and rake in savings.

Updated Look

One of the best reasons to do a remodel is to update your kitchen’s look. If you put a premium on how your home looks, giving your kitchen a makeover will certainly give you a high level of satisfaction.

Improved Functionality

Do you notice how many “adjustments” you have to make when working with an old kitchen? You have sinks that are too high, refrigerators too far away, storage spaces out of reach, to name a few of the problems that old kitchens have. Instead of going straight to the task at hand, you find yourself executing extra steps to work around problem spots. Give your kitchen an upgrade and you can customize it into however way you want,  letting you say goodbye to those extra steps and hello to seamless kitchen use.


Depending on local rules and regulations, you may be able to enjoy some financial incentives and rebates when you do a kitchen remodel since it will go toward making your home more energy-efficient. This will help offset some of the costs of the more functional additions to your kitchen, giving you room for a splurge or two.

You’re not starting from scratch so it’s good to know where to focus on with your kitchen remodel. To learn more about the right kitchen design, head on over to Part 2.